Real-time nitrate and nitrite based monitoring & process control for water and wastewater treatment
Aquamonitrix® is a new breed of autonomous in situ analyser, capable of measuring nitrate and nitrite with laboratory-quality accuracy and specificity in real-time. It is incredibly robust in wastewater environments, delivering high accuracy (~95% in wastewater) with low-biofouling and blockage potential and minimal need for intervention. This makes it an extremely user-friendly analyser for monitoring wastewater effluent in real-time. The ability to simultaneously measure nitrate and nitrite with laboratory accuracy and specificity also makes Aquamonitrix® a powerful tool for optimisation of biological nitrogen removal (BNR) processes to control nitrous oxide emissions and/or significantly reduce aeration energy requirements through short-cut BNR.
Virtually plug n’ play for instant deployment
On arriving on site, your Aquamonitrix® unit can be installed and operating in just over an hour:
- No need for site preparation
- The only connections required are mains power and the sample inlet and outlet. (Solar/battery option available)
- The device is portable, lightweight and smaller than an airline carry-on case
Low life-time costs
- Simple setup and operation
- Equally simple, vendor-neutral servicing. Can be carried out in-house or by a local, agnostic service company
- Low skills requirement
- Low cost, non hazardous sodium chloride (NaCl) reagent
How Aquamonitrix® delivers superior performance in wastewater
Aquamonitrix® innovatively combines ion chromatography with proprietary, low-power-requirement UV-LED detection and microfluidic sample-handling technology. This provides laboratory performance from a compact and robust, field-based instrument. Due to lower ionic attraction, the nitrite ions can travel more quickly through the chromatography column than nitrate, so they reach the UV-LED detector first, allowing both anions to be measured separately. The column also acts as a trap for organics, colour, turbidity, air bubbles and other common sources of interference in wastewater. Because only microfluidic sample volumes are required, the sample-handling challenges are greatly reduced, and the use of large bore, anti-fouling intake tubing further minimises the potential for blockages and bio-fouling.
Key Performance Parameters
- No requirements for recalibration – even if the analyser is moved to a new matrix – e.g. wastewater to fresh or saline water
- Only minor inventions required between services – such as topping up eluent or changing the sample syringe
- Servicing is straight-forward and vendor-neutral