2nd Generation ATP®
Quick, precise view into your microbes
Alert Lab
Portable E.coli Analyser
Alert One
The standalone, handheld E. Coli emergency response analyser, for water quality.
Alert System V2
The industry’s only fully-automated in situ microbiology lab.
Bioprocess Control – BPC® Go
The next generation of gas volume and flow meter for laboratory applications.
Bioprocess Control – Gas Endeavour III
Precise measurement of gas volume and flow for diverse applications.
BlueMon On-line Analyser
Fully automatic on-line analyser for measuring concentrations of mediums in fluids according to wet-chemical methods.
BlueTrace Sensor
The BlueTrace – Oil in Water Sensor is a compact fluorescence probe for the measurement of BTEX and refined oil in water. The robust design of the BlueTrace Sensor allows…
C 8825.4
ChemScan® Mini ChlorAm
ChemScan® Mini LowChlor
Low Chlorine Analyser
ChemScan® Mini Mono & FreeAm